Across Europe, NextGenerationEU is investing in projects that promote the clean energy transition, digitalisation, inclusive growth, and more. Indeed, the EU’s €800 billion stimulus package lays the groundwork for a greener, more sustainable future. In Austria, one such project is a household support scheme to replace fossil-fuel heating systems with renewable technology, including biomass-based heaters, heat pumps and connectors to district heating.
Austria's national heating conversion scheme ("raus aus Öl und Gas") has received €159 million in additional funding through NextGenerationEU, helping private households and businesses nationwide switch to cleaner, more efficient heating systems. Grant recipients Markus and Sonja Ehrnstorfer live in a multi-generational household in the historic Salzkammergut region. They shared their experience switching from oil and firewood to an air-source heat pump.
Was obtaining the grant an easy process?
ME: To be honest, yes! It was much faster than we imagined. We consulted various heating service providers, obtained a quote that fell within the funding threshold, submitted our grant application, and got things moving. Once the application was submitted and approved, local authorities in Bad Ischl worked with our chosen provider and the subsidies covered a proportion of the overall installation costs.
SE: In the past, there was some financial assistance to help with heat pump installation, but the latest grant was really the clincher for us. When shopping around, we asked whether air-source heat pumps worked efficiently, as we have radiators throughout the house and it was important that we maintain the same heat levels as before. They offered us a lot of reassuring information.
“In the past, there was some financial assistance to help with heat pump installation, but the latest grant was really the clincher for us.”
– Sonja Ehrnstorfer, Local Resident
Apart from financial assistance, what prompted you to make the change?
ME: Essentially, we wanted to make our lives easier. Before, we had to rummage through the forest for firewood, which presented a chore and a storage concern. There were also environmental considerations. The new system doesn't burn oil or firewood. There are no more fumes emanating from our home and heat retention is much better, as we re-insulated some of the house.
SE: For me too, the most compelling arguments were ease of use and heat retention. The new system is very easily regulated. In the past, before coming home, we used to check whether the grandparents were already there so that they could get the heating on before we returned. With no more oil or firewood to store, we've also freed up a lot of space.
“The main benefits have been comfort, convenience and environmental gains.”
– Markus Ehrnstorfer, Local Resident
Do you think the region, as a whole, could benefit from the scheme?
ME: If more people switched their heating systems, I think it could benefit air quality; particularly in urban areas like Vienna though. The main benefits have been comfort, convenience and environmental gains.
SE: We switched the heating system in September 2022. Over time, we have really noticed the difference. It’s a more efficient way of keeping our home warm throughout the day and I think people in the region, or even further afield, would greatly benefit from that. Let’s not forget, a good energy rating is increasingly important these days, so grant assistance is a great incentive.
Support for the green transition is among NextGenerationEU's primary objectives, so it stands to reason that Austria has chosen to use funding provided through the scheme to assist citizens as they switch to cleaner energy. Thanks to the subsidies available, people like Markus and Sonja benefit from welcome financial assistance while directly contributing to a cleaner future for all.
- Publication date
- 17 June 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Communication
- Location
- Austria