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  • News article
  • 24 March 2025
  • Directorate-General for Communication
  • 4 min read

Growth Spurt: Boosting Childcare Supply in Belgium

Through NextGenerationEU, Belgium has developed a far-reaching Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) worth approximately €5.2 billion in loans and grants. These funds have been invested in various projects that aim to promote inclusive growth, improve social cohesion and bolster institutional resilience. Among the plan's ambitious initiatives is a €6,000,000 programme to build and renovate childcare facilities in the French-speaking Wallonia region. The goal is to provide over 1,700 additional places for babies and toddlers in crèches and childcare centres by March 2026. 

Cara Grün is a young mother with a two-year-old boy living near the town of Verviers. Her child attends the Les Ploquettes crèche, which opened in Stembert in May 2024, at a cost of over €1,200,000. 80% of this was funded through NextGenerationEU. Grün credits the daycare facility with enabling her to find work and pursue her professional ambitions, safe in the knowledge that her child was being cared for locally. For Sabine Lejeune, director of the Stembert childcare facility, and Cécile Ozer, a Verviers town councillor responsible for early childhood amenities, the project is a source of pride. 

We spoke to all three women to gather their thoughts on the crèche: 

Has the crèche had a big impact? 

CG: It has certainly had a major impact on my life. Securing childcare in the local area is very difficult. I applied to four or five crèches before Les Ploquettes, but they were all full. When I discovered the new crèche had opened, I immediately put our name down for a spot. For parents with young children who live in and around Verviers, it has been so helpful. It has meant I can go back to work, knowing that my little boy is well cared for nearby. He is so happy to go to the crèche too. The staff is attentive and professional, always adapting to each child’s needs. 

SL: It has had a major impact in so many ways. The 49 additional places for children have been a godsend for several local families. Before the crèche opened, many households found themselves on waiting lists, unsure if this would bear fruit. Being able to offer them the childcare services they needed was hugely satisfying. And the space itself is top notch, fully equipped to meet the requirements of local children and staff. Some 15 people are now employed by the crèche and they’re very happy to work in such a modern, well-designed environment. 

CO: The impact has been considerable. For working parents, having a spot at a local crèche means they can continue to work and gain an income, but they have peace of mind. Childcare shouldn’t be an impediment to one’s career or occupational pursuits. Ultimately, people entrust what they hold most dear to a nursery like Les Ploquettes; their child. And yet, without viable options at their disposal, parents simply can’t train, upskill or work, which has obvious consequences for their family and the local community.

“I find it encouraging that funds are allocated to such projects, as this is exactly the kind of support that parents need to continue their working life while raising a family.”  

– Cara Grün, Local Resident and Working Mother 

Did the EU play an important role in the project? 

CG: I think so. Until recently, there simply weren’t enough crèches in the area, or spots available in existing ones. It is my understanding that funding from the EU and the government made it possible to build the new crèche in the first place. As a local citizen, I find it encouraging that funds are allocated to such projects, as this is exactly the kind of support that parents need to continue their working life while raising a family. 

SL: Through the NextGenerationEU package, the EU was instrumental in funding the new facility. In total, the project cost more than €1,200,000, with 80% of those funds coming directly from the EU. To put it simply, without EU support, none of this would have been possible under current circumstances. 

CO: Absolutely. This entire initiative was made possible thanks to EU funding. As working life has become more and more important, childcare has become an increasingly pressing need. This has made funding assistance especially vital. We are aware of the need to provide better social services, for parents as well as others. Unfortunately, funds can sometimes be hard to secure, so EU support for such projects is very helpful indeed. 

“Without EU support, none of this would have been possible.”  

– Sabine Lejeune, Director of the Stembert Childcare Facility 

Cara’s story is not unique. As Cécile points out, parents today face increasing pressure to pursue a career while raising a family, and accessible childcare can be hard to come by. The Les Ploquettes crèche in Stembert is a prime example of how the right services can alleviate such issues. By offering 49 additional places for local families, the project is one of many success stories made possible thanks to NextGenerationEU funding. Belgium’s decision to devote €6,000,000 to such projects through its Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) signals the country’s intent to build a fairer, more cohesive society. 


Publication date
24 March 2025
Directorate-General for Communication
  • Belgium